Something else you may want to look into...
If an Admin is going to allow other usergroups to use this feature...shouldn't it be moderated?
Let's say the Admin has given Registered users permission to use this feature so they can send out one, or multiple, e-mails. Who's to say they're not spamming?
Don't you think it would be better to limit the number of e-mails one can send? Also...wouldn't it be a good idea to view these e-mails before they are actually sent?
I know that I wouldn't want a registered member using this feature to spam another forum's members...or anyone else, for that matter.
I'm not picking this mod apart...I just think there should be certain areas of it that need a little more attention.
I'd actually like to commend you on a mod that has a lot of potential...should these problem areas be addressed.
I look forward to your newest release so that I can give all of our members the ability to use it, so that membership registrations will increase.
Keep up the great work!