Originally Posted by Mum
Is there any way it can check if the email is already used, before it sends the invite?
that will be added next version

I have to do list. I saved this suggestion first
Originally Posted by droid101
What does "Delete their own invites" mean, anyway? They can ban the people they invited?
No, that mean which usergroups can delete their sent invites...
Originally Posted by Saviour
Can multiple recipients be added to this...or just one at a time? If so...how do you separate the e-mail addresses?
I really don't think it's a good idea to let any member...or usergroup, for that matter, other than Admins...have the ability to change the text of the e-mail in any shape or form. This is just asking for trouble.
Even though this mod is not supported...I think you should disallow any change to the email text...unless it's usergroup controlled or done through the product's xml install file. Know what I mean?
Who's to say that a spammer, who get's registered on one's forum, or a disgruntled member, will use this feature to send out an emial from my forum with context not becoming.
Although I have installed this mod...I have to limit its use to Staff members until you can address my concerns.
Nice mod, though...
Now in this version selected usergroups can send just one at a time. But in next version can selected usergroups send multiple invites at a time. And last one will be added in next version usergroups cant edit their invite email text..
thanks guys for your great suggestions...