Got it working here except from the calendar option...
Create a new template in VBA and enter the code accordingly
name; whatever u like, it's your template
<td class="$bgclass"><div align="center">
<img src="/link_to_any_image_on_your_site">
<font size="-1"><script language="JavaScript">
TargetDate = "MM/DD/YYYY 8:15 PM GMT+0100";
ForeColor = "#B32732";
CountActive = true;
CountStepper = -1;
DisplayFormat = "<b>Countdown to blabla whatever you want<br><br>%%D%% Days, %%H%% Hours, %%M%% Minutes, %%S%% Seconds.";
FinishMessage = "Good luck to all drivers in Malaysia!";
<script language="JavaScript" src="http://link_to_your_site/countdown.js"></script></td></tr>
See the attached script and put it in the folder mentioned in last line of module.
Change the countdown in your customized templates
Grabbed the countdown script somewhere of the net, so... dunno where to send the credits to...
p.s. All the code above is a search over the net and vb forums put together... no credit to me anyhow!