This is gonna be my final post on this subject I'm thinking as there has been no response or support.
Like I said in my first post this add on has huge potential there a ton of things you can do with it. I mean you basically could embed anything through this system and HTML doesn't work in the comments so it's not like it's a big security issue. But like I said, ANYTHING, movies, games, and any video you can find out there. Everything has an embed formula or most sources do so the options are huge.
The negatives are quite a list though at this point:
* You cannot Move Videos/Embedded Items
* Video Count is Incorrect and Not Reading From Categories that the videos are in
* Delete Category does not work
* No usergroup permission specifics for who can do what, it's either Admin Access or they can only post videos in existing categories, meaning not so good functionality if you want to do user galleries for people wanting there own file of good videos
I really think this is one of the best "possible" mods I've seen as far as if these options were fixed or recoded, it would be a near standard thing on forums. I haven't heard one person say they didn't like it and when people were given initial access they immediately started posting up videos.
I don't think I would recommend it at this point, due to the list of problems it has, but if this is redone for a 3.7 release I'd be inline to install it for sure.
With all of the things that need to be fixed it does ask the question why can't we just use the HTML lockout add on and then just put our own videos in a forum? Of course we can is the answer and at the end of the day if you really compare the options with other add ons like Any Media Player or anything embedded, you don't even need to use HTML. You can just tell people to make there own thread and let them post as many videos for themselves in there that they want. You can rate each others threads of course, but you probably wouldn't want commenting. At the end of the day this can be done within a simple forum and it could look just as nice, and allow a lot more user friendly experience, with no errors.
Just some things to think about. I hope my criticism is constructive and has not fallen on deaf ears, and if you never do anything else to this add on, that's ok to. It still is pretty cool though and has a lot of potential should things be cleaned up in it.