Originally Posted by meissenation
Yes, that's pretty much exactly what I need. We're actually using the Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts." We have our website filtered into two categories and have set the Latest Posts to exclude a handful of forums, which the Latest News then uses -- although I've edited the phrase to be "Latest Technical Posts" So while we're trying to use Latest News as a secondary "Latest Posts" it's still organized by thread creation date, we need it by latest post date.
I did find how Latest Posts was using $get_new_posts so I went into the template for Latest News and changed $get_news_posts to be $get_new_posts but then it came up blank for everything so I had to change it back.
Nevermind, figured it out. Thank god for Notepad++ so I could really review the code. Just changed the orderby for get_news_posts to lastpost so it'd be the same as get_new_posts and now it's ordering it correctly.
Figured out how to add the lastposter and replycount to the table too, just need to figure out how to tidy it up and change the heading for the table.
Edit: Yaaaahoooo! Got it working just how I wanted it to.
http://www.mifbody.com/ for demo.

Latest Technical is actually the latest news, Latest General is Latest Posts.