Site Name: School Converse
Description: Ever need a place to come get school help from real people instead of googling all over the internet for a tutorial? Well, School Converse may be a good idea! You can ask for school help and most of your questions now get answered in less than 1 hour. You can always rely on us! Not the kind of person to ask school questions? Thats ok! Come talk in the lounge about anything you want! If posting is your favorite thing, theres always our exiting forum games section!
We also provide an awsome arcade where once you make your daily post and meet your 5 overall post requirment can play.
Or have you always liked the stock market. Come use your credits to buy some shares and see if you make or lose credits. Its all based off real stocks and its all what the real market is doing, thanks to vBTrader.
We also have a virtual petz system.
All ad free, all free
Reason for Nomination: We really look in to seeing kids get good grades and helping them advance. Free and with no ads, exept a sponser or two but this is how we keep it from YOU ARE THE 1 MILLIONTH VISITOR CLICK HERE FOR YOUR PRIZE or ONLY $50/month for excellent school help. Unlike these, we are free and ad free, and we dont mind that