Originally Posted by AdmiralGeek
This is just an extractor, and you are providing the means for someone to disregard various IT laws. It is a hacking tool to say the least.
And I would assume the file type extension could be modified to some-other and the other functions disregarded, and give the user the means to download that specific content (of course depending on chmod permissions, bu twhats to say that this person has no idea about file type security?). The frame work has been built, its just a matter of applying additional parameters.
In the wrong hands, applying a concise loop time, would be devastating on bandwidth levels.
After reading through all of that post , i find the irony within it is that the word concise means 'getting to the point quickly' which doesnt fit into whatever you were trying to describe above. If your grasp of the english language is a basis for comparison then i dont think your understanding of scripting can be trusted much and if you meander around scripts as much as you meander around the point it's no wonder you couldn't understand the complexity of the system.