Originally Posted by vau7
'Hi there,
i really made a big joyjump on my desk when i saw this product. Unfortunatly i dont get it to work.
As Result of doing your steps, double-checked of course, i only get a white page.
As MenuID i gave the id to the normal wrapperlink of joomla, which i use to get the board into the rest of the site.
As absolute Path i gave
is the format right so?
Thank you much for your support.
Hi, the blank page is from a fatal php error. The most common error I'm seeing from others who are experiencing the white page is
parse error, unexpected '<'
This is due to the fact that they are not using the $myjoomlacontent buffer. In other words if you just cut/pasted your index into your files, you will run into probs such as you are seeing. And, as I stated above, vbulletin has a prob w/html that has imbeded php.