You need to edit the following templates :
To do this open the product-form.xml in a text editor. Find
<template name="form" templatetype="template"
Look through the code that follows, it is the actual template that sets up the structure of the form. This is the area in which the html code will be for the drop down menu and the radio buttons.
Once you have edited that, find
<template name="formanswers" templatetype="template"
This template returns the questions and answers from the form. You will need to remove the variables in this template that correspond to the drop down menu and the radio buttons.
Now find
Remove the lines that correspond to the drop down menu and the radio button that you have removed from the templates. Proceed down the page a bit to
Again, remove the lines that correspond to the drop down menu and radio buttons.
The next part is optional, but I recommend that you do this -> continue down the page until you find where the radio button variables and drop down menu are set with values. Remove these from the file. No sense in code existing in the file if it is not being used.