Prior Verification during Registration?
Greetings everyone,
I am looking for a way to prevent user accounts from being created during the registration process until the registrant enters in valid information in either a profile field or a custom field entry on the registration page. I do not want the persons account to be created until they enter this valid info and it has been verified as being VALID.
Just letting them enter anything and the account being created is not good enough.
An example of what I am looking for would be llike a site that issues out serial numbers or license numbers such as to people who purchase a license or serial number, they would need to enter their valid license or serial number into a profile field or a custom question field that would check a database table or data storage location to verifiy before they can proceed or submit their registration request in Vbulletin.
Anyone know if this is currently possible in Vbulletin by adjusting the settings in the VB admin cp?