Leo hits Installed !!
Works great.
Just a couple of questions about Vbadvanced.
I turned the option to get a link to VbExperince on my navbar, works great everywhere but in Vbadvanced page.
My VbA page is installes on
www.website.com and Vb is on
When I click Vbexperience on Navbar on VbA page it gives a error that can't find xperience.php. As this file is on my
www.website.com/forums and only at VbA page this link calls for it on
www.website.com I just tried to make a copy os xperience.php on it but this time gave me require once global.php error. I tried to find this bronken link everywhere but I couldn't.
I'm running last version of VbA CMPS and I couldn't intall the VbA modules for this hack. When tried using Import option on CMPS it tells me the file is not compatible for it.
MOT for sure !!!