Originally Posted by Rideharder
Database error in vBulletin 3.6.8:
Invalid SQL:
DROP TABLE `vbtube_tubes`;
MySQL Error : Unknown table 'vbtube_tubes'
Error Number : 1051
Um. Thats not this mod
Originally Posted by AcidX
Damn. I did everything according to the manual, but I get a blank (white) page when i try to use the [media] tag. I had to disable the mod so I can get most of my threads back to normal. I was using an older version of AnyMedia previously, and it was working perfectly. I tried to upgrade to the new Goldbrick version, but I guess I'm f@#$#$ now.
I even deleted all previous files. It still shows a blank page.
Any ideas guys?
Thanks in advance.
Do you have php5? If you're getting a blank white page check to see if your host has PHP's error reporting being displayed.
Originally Posted by Goodman_2020
is it a video player to play any kind of video or only youtube, myspace etc. videos? because i owuld like to upload my own vid?os
Can be any videos or sites. You can add your own if its not supported.
I'm out of town till next weeks so its kind of hard to help until then.