Hello all.
I've visited a few forums that allow the bbcode for the "ZuneCard" (an example of which can be seen here:
My ZuneCard and
My ZuneCard on a forum)
I've usually not had much trouble with bbcode before, but this one is driving me insane. Though this is my first time trying an HTML bbcode. I'm not sure if VB can actually do this, but hopefully it can.
This is the HTML code to get a card:
<div><div id="zunecard_big" class="zunecard"></div><div><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://zcards.zune.net/xweb/lx/swf/zunecard.swf" style="" id="flashUserCard" name="flashUserCard" bgcolor="#FFF" wmode="opaque" salign="tl" flashvars="baseURL=http%3a%2f%2fzcards.zune.net%2fzcard%2fusercardservice.ashx%3fsrc%3dexternal%26zunetag%3dUSERNAMEGOESHERE" height="260" width="548"></div><div></div></div>
If anyone has any idea's or help, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
--------------- Added [DATE]1204870010[/DATE] at [TIME]1204870010[/TIME] ---------------
D'oh. I'm an idiot. I've got it working.
Thanks anyway everyone!