Oke, otherwise I could pm Andrea.
Now I've got another problem. I just logged in to my ACP and see a notice that wasn't there before it has this headline:
Help !!! Out-of-date Template-Modifications found !!!
And this is the content of the notice:
There are 1 Template-Modifications that were not desinged for the currently installed vBulletin version. To make sure that vBulletin and your installed Products are working correctly, you must check and maybe modify those Template-Modifications.
Test Template-Modifications
But when I use the test function (it's clickable in this notice) all 3 template edit i made so far has a "v" in the circle, meaning they are ok.
So now I don't know what the problem is. Nore why it's giving this notice.
I could try and disable them one by one to see which one is giving the problem, but I wonder why this notice was not given yesterday after I implemented them.
Or could this notice appear because I'm using vb 3.7.0 beta 5 and TMS is not recognizing things?