Originally Posted by Phalynx
Please explain more... Do you wish to see more visibility how the users points are calculated? Every User has all points that are calculated visible in his profile.
Instead of trying to step into much bigger shoes than my true design skills award, I'll just spell out what I'm trying to achieve and maybe some other members here will join forces and recommend how to implement it.
You engineered here a second-to-none statistical MOD, but it has only a passive contribution to one of our primary goals - to encourage our users to write more, help others more, and in general - improve their contribution rate to the forum. The chief psychological way to achieve that is through recognition. Show them the way to become recognized as greater contributors and they'll go for the bait.
That means that user rating, title, awards, etc. should show everywhere and anyway possible (next to their name); either as a textual title, icon, color scheme, etc.
As of now, you need to make special efforts in order to check activity scores of another user. That may be a good management tool for the administrator, but it isn't the optimal podium for the common member to be seen and brag about his or her excellence.
I hope that I made sense, and thanks again for your great work.