Originally Posted by nexialys
thanks to not mention my name... lol
actually, the goal to have a "Quarantine" place where to put the mods with inserts or security issues is one of the reasons why hacking mods may not be discussed here... when you announce that the hack XYZ have an exploit ABC, that is the way to break all the securities... you just need one moron to ask "hey, i have that hack and that version on my site, what can i do to secure my site"... 30 seconds after that post, someone would exploit his site...
that's why the guys on vb.org are NEVER discussing exploits of any hack here... neither would Jelsoft on vb.com ... so why start a place for the opposite means ?!
'Theorically' [sighs]
Is like NOT TEACHING Cops how to
evaluate a crime, is like NOT TEACHING Doctors how to
prevent diseases...
When an exploit is announced 95% of users will run to solve the problem, reducing the risk, just a few will commit the mistake that you mentioned above...