Originally Posted by Boofo
I think you're missing the point of this whole debate. First, you as an experienced Admin could obviously take care of it if it happened to you. But there are those out there that have no clue what to look for or how to fix it if it does happen to them. Have you noticed how many "I've been hacked! Help!" threads have been popping up lately? And all from Admins that are either new to the being-hacked arena or inexperienced in the process of running a vb site. That doesn't make them any less deserving than you or I, and yes, even iogames (although, that is debatable). I get fed up hearing "then you shouldn't be running a site if you don't know who to fix it" statements. How many of us were born with the knowledge to run a site? I sure as hell wasn't. And neither was anyone else. It is a learning process and vbulletin.org is the school.
An area like we are discussing it a great idea for reference if nothing else. If gives a user a place to go to hear others stories about how they were hacked and what it took to fix it or stop it, or whatever. Something like this would be invaluable to a new Admin. I wish they had had something like this around when I was first starting out.
I'm glad to have you back! [sob,sob,sniff]