I have just looked through SO many pages - my eyes are killing - and I cannot find the answer to save my life!
I am getting the box w/ the x in when I choose a mood from the drop down list. I've installed/uninstalled, I've manually entered all the code in the templates (as per the directions in the readme.txt), I've taken the code out and had the hack automatically edit. I've gone in and added my forum's address in the ajax and dropdown menu (Plugin Manager) - I have NO idea what I'm doing wrong.
I'm using CuteFTP and saved all the images to my computer. I then uploaded the images to BOTH areas on my server (as I wasn't sure which one I should use).... public_html AND
www., and from there I uploaded the pictures to several places (trial and error purposes)... images/moods, then just images. One folder had images moods/images/moods - so I saved them there as well?
PLEASE help?
Thank you!!