Well, this is where I am so far...
Our AvantGo channel used to allow people to read, but not post. (This was so that page impressions on our main service weren't affected). Obviously, a web-clipping application would allow you to post too, but AvantGo being offline, we didn't feel the user needed to post (and we had no complaints, certainly).
We hacked the "View new posts" equivalent to be in a simple style, and the displayed posts to also be in a simple style.
In the case of VB, editing the styles is easy - so that
our normal style and
http://forums.mediauk.com/vb/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1680&style=2]a proposed AvantGo style[/url] is pretty simple to organise.
But, seemingly I can't do "search.php?s=&action=getnew&style=2" - i.e. force the "get new messages" search in the AvantGo style.
Am I missing something obvious?