Originally Posted by Belder
One should be aware of their facts before levelling critisicm at others, and had you taken the time to read my own post, which I linked to, you would understand why this particular modification is superficial....
For those who feel this is a better way, please give your thanks to the releaser and click the install button. My complaint was based on the subsequent "examples" that were wholly inappropriate for these forums.
At anyrate - my apologies - I thought you were criticizing the person who shared the re-direct code - which still seems you do with your statement "blablablablablablablablablabla this particular modification is superficial"
About the links though- I didn't quite understand what you meant - I suppose you speak of the "tricky" links... Based on the premise of this template modification - seems the links would serve it's purpose well LOL - The premise being: Get off of my site and don't come back - you're banned!
Anyway - I'm quite happy when someone shares their coding work, rather it be something that can be found in the immediate vB code and reworked to such a simplistic template mod as "Banned Member Redirect" OR an intricate weaving of code by talents such as the creator of the Interactive Profiles modification == It's the sharing that makes the vB.org Community a community. So when you proceed to cut down someone for sharing - I jumped to a conclusion - so again - apologies for that and no hard feelings.