Thanks for this. I haven't installed it as I'm still pondering on whether or not to add vbplaza back. I found some mentions of where security issues were from reading the forums here. However, no one can conclude if there were more yet to be fixed.
I did run vbplaza on my site for many months with the few fixes I found here. But, I can't say it was wise or secure even.
I just wish someone would provide a mod that would fix the known issues that the rest of us are unaware of apparently. Or a tutorial atleast. I know many people still run it on their forums. Atleast a fix would prevent them from getting hacked. Many are unaware of any issues with it. And some who are feel that there is nothing better out there and don't want to lose it. Then you have some like me who really don't want to buy another encrypted hack/script/whathaveyou since I've been burned too many times and left unsupported and money lost. Besides, I already donated several times to the free one and now I have no support for it.
I'd love to download your mod someday. I've bookmarked it for future reference. Thanks for your hard work.