Originally Posted by Lionel
At the end of the day it's a matter of settling between a pretty looking backend and one that has hundreds more needed options.
No it's not? Dude, you either haven't used Joomla, or you really just don't know what its purpose is. Joomla is CMS. It touches everything that vBulletin doesn't.
And I recommend not trying to integrate vBulletin with anything. Ever. Joomla already has a great (FREE) forum module available that ties in perfectly.
Meet Fireboard.
--------------- Added [DATE]1204554312[/DATE] at [TIME]1204554312[/TIME] ---------------
Originally Posted by geniusjones
there is no momentum for getting VB integrated with Joomla for some reason.
There are a couple reasons that I can think of.
- vBulletin is a pain in the ass to integrate / convert to anything because of its' 2x (or 3x) md5 hashing.
- Nobody wants to pay $85 - $160 just to figure out how to do the integration.
Originally Posted by geniusjones
It's hard to figure why VB is headed into the facebook clone direction instead of the CMS integration direction.
Yes, it absolutely is. I find it ridiculous, and it's the reason that I am turning my back on vB. The facebook thing would have appealed to people probably three years ago when they were asking for it. Now there have already been alternatives to use, and vB is late to jump on the bandwagon, imo.
They need to focus on being just a forum. And get their god awful skin to work without the hundreds of ugly messy tables. I'm tired of spending over 20 hours to skin vB because I make it tableless. It's ridiculous.