Originally Posted by The Ottoman
Can we get a sense as to how the level.xmls are calculated, I've got a small userbase, but quite active. I am currently using the "Huge" level and have more than a quarter of my userbase atleast at level 80 or higher.
How would I go about making my own level?
First, you could try to decrease points the user earns. Take a look a the rankings, you will see what area has too much points, e.g. posts... Go to AdminCP, Settings, vBexperience: Points and decrease the points (in this example) for posts from 2 to 0.5
You have to run recounters otherwise the new settings will not be active.
Originally Posted by o0Hubba0o
This looks like something I might use once 3.7 gold (or even RC) is out. I get page not found with your demo and demo rankings links, the profile one works though.
Links corrected.