Originally Posted by inciarco
I Finally Found the Solution for this Problem, and I'm Happy is Not a Bug:
In the "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics" Options, there is an Option under the "Stats Details" Section, named " Latest News forums (List IDs, separate with commas)"; in that Text Field you Should Set the IDs of he Forums You Want to Show in the " Latest Forum News" List in the Statistics!!
Again I'm Happy that this was Not a Bug, and Lots of Thanks to Cybernetec for Sharing this Great Mod!! :up:
My Best Regards!!

Yep, it was there the whole time. Not a bug, you just need to select which forum to have the posts display. Obviously, we chose our News forum, never had a problem with it.
On the issue of discovery I have found the fix to my problem. Our board uses a custom font setting and it created a dead space on the bottom of the Latest Post section. There should have been a <br> in the coding of the add on for a separation between the category information and the actual results in the Latest Posts but there wasn't one. With no help from the actual author I found a solution to my problem, even though I cannot implement it at this time without my pc with photoshop actually working.
BUT if any of you use a custom font and you run into spacing problems consider changing the
gifs in your icons/statusicons folder of your ftp. I noticed that the bigger image I use the more the spacing is balanced out.
I'm going to fix this tomorrow hopefully or whenever I can make the image that I want. So to view my error you may do so for the next 24 hours or so, but I'm sure I attached it earlier in this thread.
And you can see how changing those gifs affected my spacing in this image:
Our forum is heavily customized so if yours is anything like mine and you have a similar problem, try this out. Also for some reason the post old and post new in the threads are in my Styles folders on my ftp, so I actually have to make this change in several locations. Be sure to check your files if you have a similar set up.