You dont really have anything really interesting, honestly.
(If your interested in gaming)We set up a dedicated gaming server and posted on a server list, we had over 30 people playing and then it just climbed, 10 registrations per minute at least.
If you want active members, fast, you can always take that route and spend a little money each month or whatever and then make a donation rank (users like to feel special xD) and regain the money, then put the ads back on, you could be possibly making money then.
You can always seek help of another site owner if you know any, they probably have some really good tips, if you are into programming you could probably make some programs people will start to like and come and join.
Like boofo said, you need a direction.
Oh yes, also, in memberlist, you need to get rid of that map. Its really big and pointless.
You need to re-add the memberlist link onto your navbar.
Good luck to you.