Originally Posted by Lionel
Do you have a screenshot on what happens after the purchase? I am actually looking for the download screen.
Yeah I will take a screen shot of it now. For software you have to enter:
subscription ID
homepage URL
Attached are a few images. I removed password for now cause I have to program google checkout with password stuff so left it out for now. But it does have secure password issued.
The list page will give you a view of all products bought within the month and can select which product to view month on or select all products. As well as has a stats page and user stats so people can see what they have bought and manage product subscriptions etc.
Ok added what PMs look like as well check out all images
FYI don't try to use that username and pass or subscription ID ahah cause it won't work was just showing you live what happens. I have my own password system as well for google and other payment systems. And can flip paypal's on or off and use mine.