Reverse Ignore for users
It would be useful if there could be another aspect to the buddy and ignore list, and that would be a 'reverse ignore' feature - meaning a member could block another member from seeing their posts.
I have situations where people have ex-boyfriends or husbands come to the site, and they don't want them reading their posts - so they want to be able to put that person's username on a 'list', and then this person can not see any of their posts. So their posts are hidden to only those members they specify, but everyone else can still see them like normal.
Also helpful for when members get into fights, and don't want their ex-friend reading their posts (this is usually temporary, but it makes it easier for the members as they recover from their tiffs)
Of course if a member quotes one of their posts, the blocked person is going to be able to see what the person posted in the quote, but there's not much way around that..