Question 1: Do I have to set some specific Options (Settings) for the "Full Search" Form to allow me to Search for a Prefix without specifying a Search Text?? When try to Search only for a Prefix without introducing a Search Tex, vBulletin return a Search Error Page asking for that Field to be Filled!!
Question 2: Do I have to set some specific Options (Settings) for the Search Results to be only the Particular Prefix Results?? When I specify a Prefix for the Search, the Results include not only the Threads that have that Prefix, but also the Threads that contain the Search Text, (remember
question 1)!!
I've tried this Mod with vB 3.6.7 PL1, and now I'm trying it with vB 3.6.8. PL2, with the same Two Errors happening!!

What Should I Check??

What Can I do??
My Best Regards. I Like This Mod a Lot!!