Originally Posted by geniusjones
World of Warcraft TCG is really fun. The VS snobs love to complain about it because it isn't easy enough but it's really worth playing if you have some pals who like card games. But just like Blizzard, you have to have a lot of cards haha.
I haven't got into it because it looked so much like VS to me. I even noticed that some of the operational symbols, like activate, are using the same images (both games are by Upper Deck Entertainment). Generally, when I try a new game it will be because of the dissimilarities with whatever games I've already played. I think that may be why I still haven't gotten into Magic (same R&D team as VS), but I was really drawn to UFS for it's pure uniqueness. If I had learned Magic first, I may have not gotten into VS, or at least, as easily.