As long as your header template contains the relevant hook location navbar_search_menu then it should work – if it is not present, it will not work. You could try editing your template and ensuring both are present just in case.
Checking the template shows this hook, the following is the relevant template snippet:
<td class="vbmenu_option"><a href="blog_search.php?do=search">Advanced Search</a></td>
I have also double checked that the "Plugin/Hook System" is enabled in AdminCP.
For now I have followed your
earlier advice and manually added the google search code to the template. So it now works, ish (see * below)
This will display once you add the variable $google_siteadsearch
That works a treat, ish (see * below)
I’ve not tested this with vbadvanced 3.0 or 3.7 (yet) but that is coming up shortly.
Well so far I have managed to get the search module added and it seems to work. There is only one problem though:
* When search results are displayed they show in a thin column on searchresults.php which sometimes seems to be cut off. After running some tests this seems to be how google is displaying the result in the iframe. I have set the "Google Frame Width" in "AdminCP - Options - Help vB Google Search (Adsense)" to 700px. This is getting through to the page output as if I view source I see:
var googleSearchFrameWidth = '700px';
However I still get the thin column and sometimes cut off results. Interestingly if I edit the following line in the google_searchresults template:
<div id="googleSearchUnitIframe"></div>
<div id="googleSearchUnitIframe" style="border: 1px solid #FF0000"></div>
The results are rendered with a red border around the iframe div and this border uses the "full screen". So it looks like it is the output from google that is causing the problem. However I am at a loss to explain this or find a solution