vBulletin and Joomla do different things. Joomla is entirely missing what VB does best - forums, but it doesn't integrate very well without modifications. Joomla is vastly superior to many other CMS products from the standpoint not only of graphic design, but also administration. However, it definitely has some limitations and/or drawbacks.
Right now, I am testing JFusion (integrates logins between vb/joomla) right now with Joomla 1.5 and various versions of vBulletin, but don't have anything to report yet -- I've only been at it about a week. I decided to forego BBPixel because it costs money, is weakly supported, and only suitable for small to medium installations that use a single database.
I warn you, getting help with VB and Joomla is nearly impossible. I have asked a half dozen people for help and posted several threads asking questions, both here, on VBulletin.com, and at joomla.org, and have gotten zero responses. YMMV. Most people give up and use stinky SMF or PHBB3 because there is no momentum for getting VB integrated with Joomla for some reason.
It's hard to figure why VB is headed into the facebook clone direction instead of the CMS integration direction.
Best regards,