To answer your questions,
1 your logo already is above the navbar?
2 ask for help in appropriate forum, you probably just need to edit the template and remove a double instance of the link, although the rpg drop down doesnt seem to be working. If you cant fix it and you know its broken, Seek Help! People here wont bite... hard
3 Have One or Two forums for gaming and branch out later.
4 faq needs to be done after you restructure the forums & categories
5 no one will be pulled in to joining you because your site is very plain, seeing as you've spent money already, why not try one of the free skins here first and see what happens? Make it a good one though.
Here are some more suggestions:
Ultimate Talk Forum:
--Forum Progress
--Technical Support
--Suggestions & Feedback
Gaming Forum:
-Gaming Discussion
-General Chat
-Fun Stuff
-Avatars / Sigs
Short and sweet is better for small boards. The above is just a suggestion/example.