I seem to be running into some problems getting this up and running under vb3.6.8 pl2.
Everything seems to have installed without errors, however the google search dialogs do not appear in the nav bar drop down boxes.
Now the following might be relevant, my navbar code is not in the navbar template it is in the header template. The hook for "navbar_search_menu" is present in the template so I assume this should not matter.
I might be wrong, however I was under the impression that google searching options would appear in the default vBulletin search.php page. If my "impression" is right, then the search dialogs are not displayed.
If I open the searchresults.php page, this opens correctly but obviously doesn't include any search results
I have also tried to add this to vBadvanced CMPS v3.0 RC2, the search dialog appears but when I search I get no results (or errors for that matter) displayed in searchresults.php
This is what I have done so far:
1) Downloaded vb_google_search_1_4.zip
2) Edited the searchresults.php to contain the correct forum path (line 8)
3) Uploaded searchresults.php to the root of the webserver (same directory as the VB index page)
4) Imported the product XML via AdminCP
5) Via AdminCP - vB Google Search (Adsense) set the following options
- Google Pub ID - using the value from
https://www.google.com/adsense/account-settings. Interestingly this is prefixed with "partner", i.e. "partner-pub-1234567", I have added this without the "partner-" part
- Google cof code - Using the code as created in the adsense for search wizard in google adsense managment
- Google Frame Width - Set to 90%
- Image/Text for site - Set to the url of the site
- Image/Text for Google - No change made, using the default value of "web"
- Your Forum's Path - Entered the full URL to the searchresults.php
6) In AdminCP - vBa CMPS - Default Settings - Main Options - Portal Output Global Variables, added:
This was previously empty
7) In AdminCP - vBa CMPS - Edit Modules, selected "Search Forums" and under "Module Tools" selected "Copy"
8) Named the module copy to "Google Search"
9) In [Module] Main Options - Template Module Options - Template to Include, added "search_google"
Under the Template Module Options heading, edit the adv_portal_ area.
Change it from search to search_google
10) In [Module] Module Wrapper Template Options - Form Code, edited code to read:
<form method="get" action="http://www.mysite.com/searchresults.php" type="hidden" name="search" target="_blank">
Thats is everything in the "Form Code" box
11) In AdminCP - vBa CMPS - Edit Modules - Google Search, selected "Add/Remove" from pages and used the normal CMPS process for adding the module to the bottom of the centre column.
So anybody got any ideas?
Also one other question, has anybody got this running on 3.7?
EDIT : I have managed to get the CMPS not displaying results issue resolved (sort of), this was due to the configuration I had created in the google wizard, choosing the "Open results within my own site" options seems to have done the trick. However even though I selected a width of 800px the results are displayed in a thin column (around 300px). Additionally the bottom of the results is cut off and the search results page does not display a search dialog where users can re-search for other terms