Originally Posted by lasto
serious would`nt know how to make money from my forum.I have about 8000 users but i tried google ads and only made about $22 per month so i removed the code as it was`nt worth having adverts everywhere.I know google does work and it proberly me not being good at placing the ads in the correct space but running a site to me is not all about making money but it does help if one manages to earn something back from all their hard work etc.
I've been in this side of the situation too. The money I get from AdSense were few and I opted to remove the Ads and do what ehere in Brazil we call "vaquinha" (little cow, in english): every month each one give the $ ammount he could. Worked for a while...
Originally Posted by Amenadiel
Yes Lasto, but when you find yourself spending USD 500 or more each month for housing costs, then you cannot go philantropic any more. The board should at least pay its costs.
... until the costs get over $100/month (the visitation, users and posts increased too). Then I put the AdSense back and it worked.