About the options, this is due to a missing feature in the archive js file I didn't thought at that ooops sorry
Should have tested dropdown in archives...
About the refresh thing, this is something I didn't encountered as my refresh rate was higher than that but I'll look at that.
the problem with the refresh is, that you have the onmousereturn="" Event, this would generally get refreshed just as much as the document it is based on, i am going to change them to onclick, that away at least when the refresh occurs, i can always use the onclick event instead.
in the
mgc_cb_evo_chatbit_menu template
<td class="vbmenu_option"
onclick="return hilite_chat_menu_item(this);"
onclick="return unhilite_chat_menu_item(this);"><a href="member.php?$session[sessionurl]u=$user[userid]" rel="nofollow"><phrase 1="$user[raw_username]">$vbphrase[mgc_cb_evo_view_member_profile]</phrase></a></td>
The event's must be changed to onclick, with this, it prevents the drop down menu from stop functioning when the refresh period happens during the viewing of the drop down menu.