Originally Posted by Rouzbeh1
Hi Andrew,
is it possible that LDM-2.2.9 a bit slower than 2.2.8?
i can see the difference when i try to open the LDM main page
let me know if you need a link
thanks in advance
It's quite possible and I'm happy to try to get to the bottom of this if I can. As people ask for more and more features, there is more code to execute.
Ideally, this is the way to test on your site, if you are willing:
- enable debug in vbulletin by editing includes/config.php and adding the following line somewhere near the bottom:
$config['Misc']['debug'] = 1;
This will add a 'debug information' down the bottom of every vb page, with summary information about time and database accesses. This will give the first hint. If you then click on the hyperlink on the number of database accesses, you will get a very complete summary of where vbulletin is spening its time.
If you can compare the two versions of LDM and send me the details, then I have something to work with. I will try my own tests in the meantime.