Originally Posted by TopNotch
Tryed, no one responded in two days 
Originally Posted by AWS
A bit off topic, but, since I can't post at photoplog I'll ask it here.
I want to purchase photoplog pro. I have registered with 2 usernames, AWS and another, and never received the activation email on either email address. I have sent a message via the contact form to have it resent or move me to the registered group. No response. Even with the seeming lack of support I still want to buy pro. Could the coder PM me or upgrade my account over there.
There's plenty of support for Photoplog, considering there's only one guy that does it. The main reason you likely haven't received any info is because you've posted on a weekend. Any kind of mod created by an individual isn't strongly supported on the weekends. He'll get around to you. But he doesn't offer ANY support here, as he's mentioned already in the first post.