I wanted to use images that represented each usergroup (
View Roster with this change). Some of you may have trouble with sorting if you make this change, but it wouldn't be hard to figure out. I've probably lost some sorting functionality with this change. The below changes are accomplished in the showroster_header template
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0" width="100%" align="center">
<if condition="($groupsort == 'username')"><td class="tcat" colspan="10">Usernames ($usercount)</td>
<else /><td class="tcat" colspan="<total roster columns>">$user[$groupsort] ($usercount)</td></if>
<td class="tcat" colspan="<total roster columns>" align="center">
<if condition="($user[$groupsort] == '<usergroup name>')"><IMG STYLE="border: none;" SRC="<image location & name>"><br>
$user[$groupsort] ($usercount)
<if condition="($user[$groupsort] == '<usergroup name>')"><IMG STYLE="border: none;" SRC="<image location & name>"><br>
$user[$groupsort] ($usercount)
You'll be able to stack these "if conditions" for each of your usergroups. If you come up with a leaner way of doing this, i appreciate if you would provide it, i'm limited in what i'm able to accomplish with code, this was a trial and error effort till it finally worked. Hope this helps someone.