Originally Posted by logofreax
Es kann aber doch nicht Sinn der Sache sein, jeden Tag die markers.xml zu durchforsten.
Ich bin kurz davor das Ding wieder zu deinstallieren.
well but checking the markers.xml file every day can`t be the solution.
Right, it would get overwritten with the malformed markers anyway after the next cronjob run. So my solution was to remove the pimage input-fields completely and I also removed the image tab from the bubbles in the map.
Here is a diff for the current product xml and my changes:
[ 1 ] \product-vbgooglemapme.xml 02/23/08,21:09:32 ?????????????????????????????
[ 2 ] \product-vbgooglemapme_orig.xml 02/23/08,21:14:27 ?????????????????????????????
562 * new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab1]", content)
* new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab1]", content),
!> new GInfoWindowTab("$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_m_tab2]", content2)
!> <td class="alt2" align="left" valign="top">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_imgurl]</td>
!> <td class="alt1" align="left"><input name="pimage" size="20" value="$pimage" style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:normal; width:200px;"></td>
!> </tr>
!> <tr>
!> <tr>
!> <td class="alt2" align="left" valign="top">$vbphrase[vbgooglemapme_imgurl]</td>
!> <td class="alt1" align="left"><input name="pimage" size="20" value="$pimage" style="padding-left:5px; font-weight:normal; width:200px;"></td>
!> </tr>
all the best,