Moving Forum to its own URL
Hi Everyone. I need some help.
Our organization has grown and I have now found the time to do the proper upgrades. I am currently running vb3.5.4 and I will be upgrading straight to vb3.7.0 beta 5.
I have the following questions since I am pretty confused by this stuff.
a) Upgrading from 3.5.4 to 3.7.0 is only a matter of running the upgrade.php script in 3.7.0... correct? just follow the instructions, right?
b) the current forum resides in its own folder... i.e. "". i want to move the forum to a sister site and have it rest in the top level of the domain.... at "".
All I have to do is upload the new files to "" and then run the upgrade.php script and reference the same database right?
Am I missing anything?
Thanks for any help!