Originally Posted by Martin Meredith
My point was more of the case that you haven't taken into account a situation where a user has access to post messages in groups that they are not a member of, but this mod is applied...
The "
invite only" groups has the reply box hidden from those who are not members of the "
invite only" groups by default.
Unless I'm missing something here, would someone confirm this please?
The privacy option in the hack has nothing to do with other group types but "
invite only" groups.
Originally Posted by makofu
Looks like a great mod! Haven't installed it yet but wondered, will admins still be able to view the messages in invite only groups, even if they aren't members of the group? If not, I would like to suggest (beg for) that, and/or a feature that allows for a certain user to be automatically added to a social group when one gets created. Kind of like a social groups moderator.
Admins or Supermoderators with
canmoderategroupmessages permission should be able to view the messages in an invite only groups.