Strangely enough, I still have this problem if I disable my mod and just use the standard About Me. The problem seems to be that when the bbcode_parse_start hook is called,, the $bbfoo variables are undefined because of these lines:
PHP Code:
if (intval($forumid))
$forum = fetch_foruminfo($forumid);
$dohtml = $forum['allowhtml'];
$dobbimagecode = $forum['allowimages'];
$dosmilies = $forum['allowsmilies'];
$dobbcode = $forum['allowbbcode'];
// else they'll basically just default to false -- saves a query in certain circumstances
... because $forumid is set to 'ces_profile' (not an intval), so as the comment says, they default to false. So then when we hit this part of ces_permissions_parse():
PHP Code:
$dobbcode = ($check_ugp['can_bbcode_' . $parser->ces_options['check_type']] AND $dobbcode);
$dosmilies = ($check_ugp['can_smilies_' . $parser->ces_options['check_type']] AND $dosmilies);
$dobbimagecode = ($check_ugp['can_imgcode_' . $parser->ces_options['check_type']] AND $dobbimagecode);
$dohtml = ($check_ugp['can_html_' . $parser->ces_options['check_type']] AND $dohtml);
... they of course all end up false, because none of the $bbfoo variables are true.
I'm puzzled how this could be working for anybody, unless I somehow have an older version of the code?
-- hugh