pirate: For whatever reason, the install script defaults all groups to "cannot use chat," you've gotta manually enable it for every group.
Okay, so over on my forum we decided to start using this (been using PJIRC for a while, but it was always separate). Well, okay, so the guy who pays the bills decided, and left it to me to make it work.
It works fine with everything, given a couple of changes. To get your site style to appear around it (loading the CSS, and such) without copying all your template folders (jebus, what a terrible idea...), all you need to do is move the main php file, "vbjirc.php" into your forum root index.
Once you do that, it'll stop working. To make it work again, edit the "vbjirc_java" template for your root style (or all styles if you don't do that), and change this:
<applet code="IRCApplet.class" archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" height="$vbjirc[height]" width="$vbjirc[width]">
To this:
<applet codeBase="vbjirc/" code="IRCApplet.class" archive="irc.jar,pixx.jar" height="$vbjirc[height]" width="$vbjirc[width]">
Just the "codeBase" attribute is added, nothing else. It'll magically work,
and you'll have your styles without copying them.