You have GOT to be kidding me man... it's BASIC CSS... this is nothing special at all...
Sorry to get you down like this, but... it's nothing.
excuse me buddy but not a lot of people know this and this question has been asked over and over i simply wrote this to help people out. so if you dont got nothing nice to say dont post at all.
Originally Posted by SwollenCranium
How about you go into the article section and gives us all a class on Basic CSS then ?
Or you could continue to tell people like him that what he knows is 'nothing'.
thanks for the support bud.. im not not even going to argue with him.
on a last note Magnumutz since your a great designer or whatever do a better job on designs i seen your site and im not impressed
you got to realize there are people that come here other then your average vb coder like new members who dont know much about vb coding this was for them.