Go to
admin cp>plugins and products>manage products>import product and from there locate the folder on your computer containing the xml file. Simply double click on this file and it will start the process in your admin cp.
The bitfield xml contains the directions which will allow you to enable which of the video sites you want to give permission to be able to be posted in your forum. It is important if you want to disable particular video sites.
If you have basic FTP skills you should be able to add the bitfield xml file to to your forum directory. You need an FTP client to do this and there are many free ones such as smart FTP or some other file transfer software.
In the FTP client you will have to sides
The on the left side (in smart FTP client) will be all of the folders for your website or forum.
Navigate to Forums>includes>xml - here you will see a bunch of files with .xml extensions.
On the right hand side of the panel in the FTP client is basically your computer. Here you have to navigate to the location where you downloaded the source files for this hack.
eg. mycomputer/downloads/rootdirectory/includes/xml/bitfield .xml (or wherever you put it when you downloaded it)
So you have to open all of those folders until you get to the one that has the bitfield xml file in it. Just click on it and then in the middle of the FTP client you will see some arrows. Click the arrow facing the direction of the Forum folders and the transfer will take place in a matter of seconds.
Hopefully that helps any noobs with uploading the bitfield xml file so you and your users can enjoy this hack.
Screen shot of FTP is attached.
Iron Guard Fitness