Originally Posted by VBDev
It means that when the menu is opened and is a bit over the input field, then the input content will appear above the menu.
It's a problem I can't fix but that's not a big big problem, it won't mess up with your board 
I have solved putting editor above chats

Vbdev, i have 2 question :
- (less important
) There is a problem with command Del
remove all chat of
remove chat of
When you use this commands the message prompted refers to 1 phrase (mgc_cb_evo_cmd_del_success) instead of 1 for all and 1 for 1 only message.
- It's not possible to add a management for smiles? smile permission or a separate management for smiles from forum?
Thanks for pacience...

seriously.. update almost everyday... im tired of updating this mod lol..
It's important a constant update... this mean an hack well done Which tends to perfection...