Originally Posted by jluerken
I found out a small issue with your product. On the users profile page I can see that the users Reputation is used to calculate the points a user have. On my board the reputation system is disable. Your product should not use and show this line if the reputation system is off.
That's a thing that will be implemented in next version.
Originally Posted by jluerken
When I delete threads and posts from a user the points are not decreased, they stay the same. User can get a lot of points by writing threads, wait 15 minutes and deleten them then or thank to a posts and afterwards remove the thank and give it later on again.
The point system should reflect this.
The point system does only count posts and threads that are not marked as deleted. But it does not refresh as soon as the post is getting deleted. It calculates only every 10 minute the data for users that created a new post. At the latest the xperience get's corrected downside.