Originally Posted by Phalynx
Thanks for sharing. The Level 70 is missing - 69 is the last. You are doing very big steps from level to level - do you have such a big board?
No I don't have such a big board. Maybe I increase the points a lot or I will reduce this in future. The list contains the exact experience points you earn with a char in World of Warcraft, thats why the steps are so high. I will try to remap this to a pointsystem which will work for my board.
Btw. there are 70 steps in the file. Level 0 - 1 is also one :-)
I found out a small issue with your product. On the users profile page I can see that the users Reputation is used to calculate the points a user have. On my board the reputation system is disable. Your product should not use and show this line if the reputation system is off.