Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy
How can I increase the levels -- a couple of my very active users are already at level 100!
Are you already using vbexperience_level_3_big.xml? If yes, read the chapter "Levels", there is a description with the Excel Sheet.
Originally Posted by jluerken
I will try to install your product later on but I already made a level file for it.
It is for all World of Warcraft Guild cause it contains the Experience Points from the game from Level 0 to 70.
Thanks for sharing. The Level 70 is missing - 69 is the last. You are doing very big steps from level to level - do you have such a big board?
Originally Posted by IvyKeepMommy
Attachments is spelled incorrectly here -- where do I go to fix?
It's the phrase "xperience_points_post_attachement" - this will be fixed in next version.