Originally Posted by lordtopcat
I would be grateful for the IP command. As we allow our guests to post on the chat box, we often have spam on the shout box, and would love to be able to retrieve the IP address and ban them.
This would really benefit our forum!
I don't think you have understood the feature, I was speaking of a command that would return to the user who sends it it's ip.
Originally Posted by Dr. Bantham
I was hoping that the problem with the module was the same as the one causing my perpetual "Loading.." on vBa portal (page variable method). I was also considering using the module if I could not get the page variable method working, but I am not keen on the width restriction. Of course, I could not get the module to work either and I received this initial response from stangger5:I deleted everything from scratch (losing all previous messages) and reinstalled again as a last resort - to no avail. Wit's end has come and gone. I am totally frustrated. My donation offer stands. Otherwise, I am off to install a less feature-laden but more stable mod.
This is not a problem of stability for your problem.
The problem is that you are certainly using vBAdvanced with the forum in a folder, so there is a problem of path.
I have tried to use a variable of vBAdvanced config files from within the chatbox code to have the right path but it seems that it's not working properly or it's not visible.
I think I'll try to take my eyes on that problem as soon as possible.
Originally Posted by entertain
but with Internet Explorer 7 it's working.
It does.
Originally Posted by Sothside40
yeah this is why i uninstalled it from my site, and also it makes the site go alot slower.
This certainly depends of the configuration you have choosen for the chatbox.
Originally Posted by ronx
thanks adnedarn, since there is no way to upload the old archive to the new evo version - will it be possible to change(manipulate) the stats, my members are gonna hate me if the old stats are gone 
No sorry this is not possible.